VolunteersThis is a great way to get involved in helping our community! We need help from 9 AM until 2 PM. When you get to the church, come to the gym and Christy See will give you a job to do. It's completely okay if you are unable to serve the entire time. We are thankful for any amount of time you come to help!
Saturday distribution has moved to the SECOND Saturday of every month. Harvest Food Pantry 2024 Distribution Dates January July
Friday: 5, 19, 26 Friday: 19, 26, Saturday: 13 Saturday: 13 No Distribution on the 5th February August Friday: 2, 16, 23 Friday: 2, 16, 23, 30 Saturday: 10 Saturday: 10 March September Friday: 1, 15, 22, 29 Friday: 6, 20, 27 Saturday: 9 Saturday: 14 April October Friday: 5 & 26 Friday: 4, 18, 25 Saturday: 13 Saturday: 1 No Dist. on the 19th May November Friday: 3, 24, 31 Friday: 1, 15, 22 Saturday: 11 Saturday: 9 No Dist. on 17th No Dist. on 29th June December Friday: 14, 21, 28 Friday: 6, 20, 27 Saturday: 8 Saturday: 14 Friday Distribution starts at 12:00 Saturday Distribution starts at 11:00 Distribution ends at 1:00 both days Physical address: 21172 Wolfe Road, Aurora MO 65605 Mailing address: PO Box 711, Aurora MO 65605 Pantry # 417-678-2310 Please do not arrive before 10am and remain in your car at all times. There are no bathroom facilities available DONATIONS OF PLASTIC SACKS GREATLY APPRECIATED. All cancellations will be posted on Harvest Food Pantry's Facebook page.
Distributions are held on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Fridays of each month as well as the 2nd Saturday of every month. 1st, 3rd & 4th Friday: 12 PM -1 PM 2nd Saturday: 11 PM -1 PM Our goal at the food pantry is to help supply those who are not able to put enough food on the table. We give out food to all those who sign up for service. The food pantry also offers emergency food to callers throughout the month. In 2023, Harvest Food Pantry has given out about 600,000 pounds of food. We believe God is using us to be a blessing to our community through the Harvest Food Pantry. Our goal is to show Christ's love by feeding the hungry. We are always in need of volunteers to help! For more information call 417-229-2430. |